📄️ Server Configurations
Sample Config
📄️ SMTP Server Configurations
Frontier can be used to send invites to users to join an organization currently or send OTPs (One Time Password) for verification. For this it implements a mailer service which provides the functionality to send emails using the configured SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server. This involves establishing a connection with the SMTP server, authenticating with the provided credentials, and delivering the email to the specified recipients.
📄️ Webhook
Webhooks are a way to send frontier activity events to an external service. Frontier supports sending events to a webhook
📄️ Authorization for APIs
There are 3 ways to authenticate in Frontier via APIs
📄️ Billing Configurations
Frontier provides billing and subscription related capabilities, which can be customized using various configs. Frontier uses Stripe as the billing engine to manage payments and subscriptions. For more details on concepts related to billing on Frontier, please refer to this guide.
📄️ CLI
frontier auth
📄️ MetaSchemas
MetaSchemas in Frontier are default JSON-schemas designed to validate metadata that is included in the body of a resource. These schemas provide a standard way of describing the expected structure and content of metadata, which can be used to ensure consistency and accuracy of metadata across different resources.
📄️ Proto Definitions
Raystack/Proton is an open-source project developed by Raystack (Open DataOps Foundation) that provides a unified way to define and manage APIs in a microservices architecture. It aims to simplify the development and deployment of APIs by abstracting away the underlying implementation details.
📄️ Shell Autocompletion
Bash auto-completion